The Keys to Encountering and Sustaining a Transformed Life

Introducing Lori Scaggs

As a professional life coach, Inner Healing and Deliverance Minister, Lori specializes in helping you overcome obstacles and equips you with tools to maintain your life’s journey in freedom. Whether you are struggling personally, professionally or spiritually, Lori and her personally trained team can help you. We can lead you to create positive and permanent changes that transform, so you can start living the life you want; the life God designed for you.

We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose.

- Romans 8:28

Do you feel stuck?

If so, you may not be living your best life. Freedom Encounter Now and our Inner Healing programs are designed to help you hear clearly from God and know His plans for you - plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you a hope and a future.

- Jeremiah 29:11

Let us help you encounter and maintain the freedom God created you to experience. Inner Healing is a powerful key to unlocking the freedom that is yours through Christ Jesus.

For wherever the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

- 2 Corinthians 3:17

What is Inner Healing and WHY is it essential to living the LIFE you were CREATED for?

“Lori Scaggs' inner healing ministry is Christ centered, Spirit-led, grounded in Scripture, doctrinally sound, and life-changing. As a male pastor I found Lori’s, compassionate and objective demeanor to facilitate the entire inner healing process extremely professional. I cannot thank Lori enough for being obedient to God’s call upon her life to bring joy, freedom and real life change to people from every sphere of life. I highly recommend her ministry.”

- Pastor Kim Wetteland

“For me, inner healing with Lori has helped me to be able to move forward in my walk with the Lord as it has helped to set me free from bondage. Bondage that had held me down for so long, BUT GOD! Lori is truly anointed in her steps of healing, walking alongside with Jesus! I am forever grateful for this beautiful woman of God! ‘Then Jesus said to him, ‘Get up! Pick up your mat and walk’ At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked.’ (John 5:8-9).”

- Rebecca Markley

“Something about simply existing has been found to be increasingly more and more difficult as we grow. My journey has always felt like the most clear example of that. At just 15 years old I had decided my time had come, and at that dark edge Lori found me and she pulled me out. Through persistence, love, and an absolute devotion to Jesus and his message, Lori has helped me find that life doesn't simply become more difficult as we grow; it becomes more beautiful through Jesus’s light. I believe that no matter where Lori goes, that light never leaves.”

- Brady S.

“Lori’s inner healing ministry has helped me to see Gods authentic love for me during a time in my life when I was going through a huge transition. I am thankful to have encountered Lori and the position that God has her in his Kingdom to help others, today I feel Gods love for me and His tangible presence in my life and I am forever grateful.”

- Anisha Pridgen

“Through my inner healing experience with Lori, I have confronted my traumas and gained a deep understanding of how they impact both body and mind. This journey has liberated me from the chains that held me back, not allowing me to live life as God intended. Inner healing techniques have been an invaluable teacher, guiding me to comprehend the immense love of God, helping me cultivate self-love, free of judgment.”

- Michele Whipple

"Before I started seeing Lori, I believed in God and knew all that Jesus had done for me; however, I was either taking it for granted or allowing the enemy to blind me and keep me captive in my stressed-out survival mode being glad to just make it through the day. I lived with a spirit of chaos, a false sense of responsibility, and fear of disappointing others and being rejected. Lori, as my inner healing minister, led me to be still; to see and hear Jesus as He showed me where my stuck thinking was and where my emotions/thoughts had their origin earlier in my life. Through this inner healing work, Christ has shown me how to be a receptive vessel to all He has done for me and to use the gifts I have been given. It has even helped my husband and I grow closer together and to God as we celebrate freedom that I had never experienced before.

'So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.' - John 8:36"

- Rhonda Hanneken